Nautical centre
Marina “Ramova” – nautical tourism port

ANNOUNCEMENT - Boat owners
Boat owners having a berth booked at marinas allowed to enter the Republic of Croatia.
The temporary ban on crossing the borders of the Republic of Croatia related to foreign citizens has been lifted for owners of real estate and vessels located in the Republic of Croatia and for the members of the owner's immediate family.
Foreign citizens being owners of yachts and boats located in the Republic of Croatia can cross the country borders upon presenting the documentation proving their ownership of a vessel, documentation proving that they are the users of a vessel (Charter Contract or Lease Agreement). Along with the documentation proving the ownership of the vessel, a berth contract and/or a confirmation of the nautical tourism port must be submitted confirming that the vessel is berthed at the respective port.Upon presenting the required documents, foreign citizens shall be allowed to cross the state border and shall be registered by entering the place/address of their stay, contact phone number and period of stay - until the planned date of departure from the Republic of Croatia.
Foreign citizens are required to adhere to general epidemiological measures during their stay in the Republic of Croatia, as follows:
During the first 14 days following the entry into the Republic of Croatia, leaving the accommodation/vessel is limited only to absolutely necessary situations, carrying out the enhanced ongoing implementation of hygienic measures.
When leaving the accommodation for necessary purposes, it is recommended to wear a mask or a covering for the nose and mouth, to keep a physical distance from others (minimum 1,5 meters) and to practice good hand hygiene.
Wash your hands as often as possible using warm water and soap and/or use a hand sanitizer rubbing it well over the surface of your palms. Avoid touching your face, mouth, nose and eyes.
Avoid using public transport.When using the means of transport, it is recommended to use it alone or to share it only with the persons from the same household/accommodation.
Crowded areas and public gatherings should be consistently avoided.
During their stay in the accommodation/on board the vessel, the persons concerned prepare meals themselves, ie use food and beverage delivery services.
Payments are made by using non-cash card payments or online services.
Body temperature should be measured every morning. If it exceeds 37,2 degrees, it should be taken again after 10 minutes and if the temperature again exceeds 37,2 degrees, the person should stay in the accommodation/on board the vessel and contact the chosen general practitioner, if any (Croatian nationals), or a competent local epidemiologist.
In case of any symptoms of acute respiratory infection (cough, sore throat, high temperature, short breath/difficulty in breathing, loss of smell and taste), it is necessary to stay in your accommodation/on board the vessel and contact the chosen general practitioner, if any (Croatian nationals), or a competent local epidemiologist.
In case of sudden onset or severe, life-threatening symptoms, the person should contact the emergency medical services.
Foreign citizens can be assisted by marina staff when contacting the epidemiological services.
During their stay at the marinas, the boat owners are required to adhere to the specific epidemiological measures related to the stay at the marinas and referring to the interaction with marina staff, visits to the front-desk of the marina, the use of toilets, the use of supplementary services of the marina and movements at the marinas in general (marinas are required to officially publish the instructions and recommendations on their websites and display them at visible locations within the marina itself).
Self-isolation or quarantine upon arrival in the Republic of Croatia is NOT mandatory for foreign nationals.
If upon crossing the border of the Republic of Croatia, the person develops the symptoms of the disease, he/she shall remain in the accommodation/on board the vessel and call a competent local epidemiologist or marina staff who shall inform the competent local epidemiologist thereof.
Croatian and foreign citizens can request additional information and clarifications at Info Number 112 or 113.
Telephone numbers of epidemiologists on standby:
Emergency medical service - 112
COVID-19 Call Center - 113
Institute for Public Health of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County: +385911257210
Institute for Public Health of Lika-Senj County: +385915044917
Institute for Public Health of Zadar County: +38598332765
Institute for Public Health of Knin County: +385914341201
Institute for Public Health of Split - Dalmatia County: +385911512003
Institute for Public Health of Istrian County: +385995294455
Institute for Public Health of Dubrovnik-Neretva County: +38598243454
Croatian Institute for Public Health: +38598227753
Persons having symptoms of the disease caused by the virus COVID-19 are not recommended to enter into the Republic of Croatia.
In the circumstances caused by the COVID-19 epidemic, it is of the utmost importance for us to protect the health of the boat owners and their guests, as well as of the marina employees and all other visitors, while providing reliable services to all the clients of our marinas at the same time. Therefore, we kindly ask you to adhere to all the prescribed measures, instructions and recommendations during your stay at the marinas. For any further question, please feel free to contact the marina staff by phone or e-mail.